

1. Conducting phase I, II, III outpatient clinical trials.

2. Encougrage and support high quality researches that are based on research
    collaboration to improve human health

3. Provide creative environment for training individuals to conduct clinical trials
    according to the international regulations and organizations.

4. Collaborate with researchers to design, conduct, analyze and explain their
    research activities results.

5. Provide educational and training opportunities to improve research activities.

6. Detect side effects and medical errors.

7. Evaluate the effectiveness of medical products using clinical trials.

8. To train medical staff for the clinical trial specialty.

9. Conduct post marketing monitoring through clinical trials for local an
    international medication to evaluate its effectiveness and side effects.

10. To present drug information and make drug brochure for drug therapy.

11. To find unknown drug interactions.

12. To do bioequivalence studies.

13. To conduct field, statistical, and epidemiological researches.

14. activate pharmacogenetic field.

Last Update
5/31/2010 11:45:10 AM